Virtual Library
Four-Week Meditation Series Level 1
Pre-Recorded and On-Demand co-taught with Kelli Riddle, LMT, RYT200
The benefits of meditation cannot be denied, yet many people struggle with doing meditation on a consistent basis. In this introduction to meditation, we introduce concepts and techniques to help you build your own meditation practice.
Four-Week Meditation Series Level 2
Pre-Recorded and On-Demand co-taught with Kelli Riddle, LMT, RYT200
This course is specifically for anyone who wants to deepen their meditation practice. Each session works with a specific theme designed to evolve our relationship to meditation and ourselves.
Quiet Yoga: Six Directions of the Spine
Restorative Yoga and Somatic Movement Series with Joanna Dunn, ERYT 500
Quiet Yoga is a blend of resting yoga poses (restoratives), somatic/gentle movement, calming breath practices, and meditation. Each class will be a unique combination, intuitively choreographed by Joanna.
Yoga and Feldenkrais® Suite
5 part series exploring the integration of body and mind co-taught with Debra Lerman, Physical Therapist, and Feldenkrais® Practitioner
More than 20 hours of lecture and workshop - pre-recorded and On-Demand! Divided up over 5 themes